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The MRCagney Blog

Successfully Implementing Public Transport Networks - The devil is in the detail

Thu, February 23, 2023  |  Public Transport  Download

Moving bus in Wellington CBD

A white paper authored by Pippa Mitchell, Technical Director, MRCagney & Anthony Cross, Public Transport Specialist.

Public Transport (PT) networks play a critical role across Aotearoa and increasingly, they are needed to provide not only equitable transport choices, but also to help reduce emissions and rapidly decarbonise our transport system.

Significant work has been invested in designing PT networks. Design is an important part, but without the correct implementation, these PT networks are not used as widely and effectively as they could (or should) be. This white paper focuses on that vital next step... Implementation.

After all, when it comes to implementing network and service changes, the devil is in the detail.

In this paper, our aim is to challege all participants in the Public Transport service design process to recognise the importance of three key areas:

  1. Realising the network vision through implementation: the goal during implementation is to ensure we maintain the vision for an integrated network of routes and services, which can be a challenge for all involved (even more so when more than one mode is involved, or more than one PT company). 
  2. Getting the infrastructure right: it is vital to take a holistic approach to deciding which infrastructure is needed to support network design and operation, and to provide the best possible customer experience. 
  3. Putting the network at the heart of communications: continuous communication about the network and its benefits to existing and potential customers - particularly through implementation and post-implementation phases. 

The responsibility for implementing a public transport network sits with a wide range of participants - from those who approve plans and budgets to those who put up signs and drive the buses. 

Our downloadable paper helps all those involved in the PT service design process understand the critical role they play and highlight that the devil is in the detail when it comes to implementation.

To get a copy of our white paper, please fill in your details below.