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Marita is a principal consultant with over a decade’s worth of experience in design planning, urban design, masterplanning, and public realm design.
Comfortable working across wide and close scales, Marita works on urban design and transport strategy projects at MRCagney. Her design skills and experience help her communicate clear solutions for clients.
Marita is interested in mode shift, sustainable transport, and the way good places can have a positive effect on people and communities. She has personal and professional experience in Te Ao Māori, and recently completed a master's degree in creative writing. Her skills in communication see her managing graphic and visual presentation for MRCagney.
Marita is an experienced project manager and has led projects for clients such as Eke Pānuku, Wellington City Council, Kainga Ora, Waka Kotahi, and The New Zealand Defence Force.
Recent projects Marita has worked on at MRC include Te Aro Tātou, a low-traffic transport strategy for Wellington City Centre, and Maungawhau and Karangahape Station Area Development Plans for Eke Pānuku.