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Meet our talented people.

Claire Graham

Claire Graham

Position: Senior Walking and Cycling Consultant
  • Urban Design
  • Walking and Cycling


Claire has been working in the field of urban design and landscape architecture for twelve years, with the last five years focused on infrastructure design for active modes. She is passionate about the role well designed infrastructure in our streets can play, to provide transport choices and create cities where everyone feels included, safe and welcomed.

She has expertise in streetscape design, intersection layout and operation, and universal access. She also works confidently through the scales of projects from network design right through to details at the street level. With the combination of public and private sector experience as well as a recent bicycle study tour to Europe, she brings a good understanding of the challenges, opportunities and value of investing and designing for active modes.

Some of her recent work includes: improving access to public transport interchanges, developing a detail (detectable by vision impaired) that could be installed between footpath and cycle paths, developing content for Auckland Transport’s Design Manual and part of several teams designing Urban Cycleway Projects.

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