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The Local Path Design Guide


Together with Resilio Studio, MRCagney developed the Local Path Design Guide for Auckland Transport and Auckland Council. In conjunction with Cycleway Corridors, Local Paths form an important part of Auckland’s city wide cycling network. Akin to “Bicycle Boulevards”, Local Paths are local streets that are designed so that vehicle traffic is moderated and slow-moving.

The Guide establishes performance standards based on international best practice on how streets can be shared comfortably and safely between people on bikes and vehicles. Managing traffic and volumes and speeds is critical to the success of a Local Path. The Guide provides numerous tools on how to lower vehicle speeds and reduce traffic volumes.

The Guide presents a framework for developing local path or greenway networks in communities. While the material is founded on best practice and technical specifications, the report is illustrative and designed for a non-technical community audience.

The Local Path Design Guide will be used as a reference tool and inspiration for street stakeholders and community members who are seeking to transform their neighbourhoods into better places to walk and cycle. 
