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Northwestern Busway Preliminary Engineering Assessment

Providing transport options to Auckland's growth regions


MRCagney developed an innovative, effective, and affordable bus infrastructure solution in a strategically important corridor. In doing so, the team resolved a number of complex engineering constraints imposed by high-voltage power lines and NZTA’s planned upgrades to State Highway 16 (SH16).

The recommended solution made effective use of both shoulder bus lanes and a dedicated busway where appropriate. The proposed corridor and stops integrated with the MRCagney-designed New Public Transport Network while resolving challenging bus connectivity issues at key interchanges, such as Karangahape Road, Point Chevalier, Te Atatu, and Lincoln Road.

This project involved regular meetings and workshops with stakeholders from Auckland Transport, Auckland Council and NZTA. MRCagney was subsequently commissioned to work with AT to develop the strategic business case for the SH16 busway.

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