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Auckland Public Transport Network Plan

A clean slate redesign of Auckland's transport system


MRCagney together with Auckland Transport led a “clean-slate” redesign of Auckland’s bus, rail and ferry system. The goal was to develop a single integrated network that delivered efficient, effective and attractive service across the whole city, while minimising increases in operating costs.

To establish current and future demand patterns, patronage data from across Auckland’s service operators were compiled and combined with population and employment statistics. Best-practice public transport network design theory was then applied within the opportunities and constraints of the Auckland context, taking into account the Auckland Council’s strategic land use and transport objectives.

Engagement was a crucial element in the New Network. A key component included taking elected members and stakeholders through the principles of the New Network and the benefits this will deliver for Auckland, while being upfront about trade-offs. Public engagement was undertaken with a genuine willingness to listen and make changes to proposals, while remaining true to the fundamental principles of the New Network.

The New Network represents a transformational change in Auckland’s public transport network. It forms part of the Auckland Regional Public Transport Plan (RPTP), a legislative document describing the public transport services that Auckland Transport proposes for the next 10 years.

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